We gotta get on the road...

Meet Destiny Unbound! 

She's our new travel trailer, which we purchased last month for a cross-country road trip of the US National Parks that we are planning to take late-April to mid-July. Traveling cross-country has been a dream of ours for quite some time, but has always taken a backseat to international travel and running retreats for our company, SolSeed Retreats. 

Enter COVID-19. While the pandemic has grounded us for the last year, unable to operate any retreats, it has also inspired us to spend more time exploring our beautiful home state of New Hampshire. Truly, one of the most impactful silver linings of the pandemic has been our ability to hike and enjoy the White Mountains. 

What started off as a way to spend time safely during the lockdown of March / April 2020, quickly progressed into a newfound hobby, passion, and way to build community during an otherwise uncertain and isolating time. We spent countless days last summer and fall hiking and camping in the White Mountains with old and new friends alike (shoutout to #HikeClub!), and logged over 500 miles on the trails between April and December of 2020 alone. 

Our time spent in the mountains over the past 13 months has been grounding, humbling and awe inspiring, and frankly, is what prompted us to start our search for a travel trailer and truck that we could tour around the US National Parks with. Pre-covid, taking nearly 3 months to explore the US was never on our radar, but, if this pandemic has taught us anything, it is that life is short and tomorrow is never guaranteed. 

So, in the spirit of making lemonade out of lemons, we’ve decided to take advantage of this unique time off that we’ve been gifted, and use it to hike and explore the beauty of our own country. We truly can’t wait to get on the road for what will surely be the adventure of a lifetime: Destiny Unbound.  


  1. #hikeclub 4 eva :) Love this and can't wait to see you somewhere :)

  2. Destiny Unbound for a Couple Unbound!!!
    Happy adventure in your beautiful trailer...
    “May the wind be always at your back.”
    ❤️❌⭕️❌⭕️ Mimi

  3. HIKE CLUB HITS THE OPEN ROAD! Love you two xo

  4. YEEEESSSS!!!! I love this!! So excited for you guys and to be a follower in your adventures!

  5. Yes love it peeps!! Can’t wait to follow along :)

  6. So looking forward to seeing "Destiny Unbound" all packed up and ready to hit the road!
    Safe travels!!

  7. Have a great journey! Go to Glacier Nat Park! ❌⭕️❌

  8. love you guys -- can't wait to see you in July!


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